Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Issues with personal space

Honestly, Dave can be a handful at times. No one understands this more than Jack, who really can't escape Dave's antics. Here you can see Dave being inappropriate. Jack was once again lying on the chair, just trying to nap. Meanwhile, Dave had some new napping strategies he wanted to try out, and he needed the chair to properly test them. A more polite cat might have waited for Jack to complete his nap, but Dave is an artist as much as he is a scientist. He was having a moment of inspiration, and didn't want to forget his sudden insight while waiting for Jack to finish his nap. Therefore, Dave had no choice but to disturb Jack. It would be for the good of all cats, Dave thought, because any new napping strategies he developed on the chair could then be used by other cats around the world. Jack, yet again, was left wondering, "WHY."

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